Year 10 Mathematics
In Year 10 you will build upon the ideas met in earlier years and learn new skills that will prepare you for your GCSE and even beyond. For example, you will explore triangle numbers, discover an unbreakable code and investigate frieze patterns.
The map below outlines the topics you will meet in year 10.
What you should do in order to fulfil your potential and succeed in year 10:
Maths is not a spectator sport; you cannot learn maths by just watching or listening – do your best to complete all tasks set in class and for homework.
Be prepared – not only by having the correct equipment but by being ready to work hard and by being resilient.
Reflect on what you can do better and how you can improve – you are responsible for your own effort, attitude and behaviour and consequently the progress you make.
Finally, you should remember that maths is the only subject you study that is an art, a science and worth studying for its own sake. You will meet ideas that have changed the course of history. Mathematics is not about learning rules but rather using your imagination and creativity.
If you are absent:
If you are absent, and well enough to do some maths, you should use MyMaths to cover the topic(s) you are missing. In addition, there are topic-based practice questions in the link below.