Around 4000 years ago, the Babylonians knew how to solve a simple 2X2 system of linear equations with two unknowns. Around 200 BC, the “Nine Chapters of the Mathematical Art” was published in China that displayed the ability to solve a 3X3 system of equations.
Key questions
What are simultaneous equations?
Can we solve simultaneous equations graphically?
Can we solve linear simultaneous equations algebraically?
How do we solve non-linear simultaneous equations?
Can we problem solve with simultaneous equations?
5 lessons
stories that set a frame or background
stories that accompany or intertwine
stories that introduce
stories that explain
stories that ask a question
stories that entertain
fruity totals - 1, 5
maths gone viral - 1, 5
transum shopping - 1, 5
deducing the solutions - 1, 5
linear equations graphically - 1, 2
linear graphically - 1, 2
solving graphically - 1, 2
beginning algebraically - 1, 3
continuing algebraically - 1, 3
three contexts same idea - 1, 2, 3, 5
crack the code - 3
escape code - 3
too many words - 1, 3, 5
worded simultaneous equations - 1, 3, 5
four tasks - 1, 2, 3, 5
quadratic meets linear - 2, 4, 5
simultaneous rectangles - 3, 5
simultaneous squares - 3, 5
using graphs - 2, 4
building blocks - 1, 2, 3, 4
four investigations - 2, 3, 4, 5
hard simultaneous equations - 3, 4, 5
near miss - 2, 3, 5
reciprocal - 2
solomon - 2, 3, 4
equations 1 simples - 2, 3, 5
equations 2 bit harder - 2, 3, 5
equations 3 linear patterns - 2, 3, 5
equations 4 fibonacci patterns - 2, 3, 5
equations 5 three patterns - 2, 3, 5
equations 6 two generalisations - 2, 3, 5
x creases - 2, 3, 4, 5