Jules Henri Poincaré(1854 –1912) was a French mathematician, theoretical physicist, engineer, and philosopher of science. He is often described as "The Last Universalist", since he excelled in all fields of the discipline as it existed during his lifetime. He was an early proponent of chaos theory.
Is chaos predictable?
Key questions
1. What are function machines?
2. How do we find inputs, outputs and rules?
3. Can we substitute?
4. Can we solve problems with function machines?
3 lessons
stories that set a frame or background
stories that accompany or intertwine
stories that introduce
stories that explain
stories that ask a question
stories that entertain
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
The Sneetches and other stories by Dr Seuss
outputs - 1, 2
function machines 2 stage - 1, 2, 3
function maze - 1, 2
function machine loop cards - 1, 2
function machines fluency - 1, 2
finding a rule - 1, 2, 3
what's my function? - 1, 2
picture frames - 4
missing inputs and outputs - 2, 3
machine cards - 3
flowerbeds - 4
domino bridges - 4