William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin, (1824 –1907), was a British mathematician and engineer. Absolute temperatures are stated in units of kelvin in his honour. He wrote a text book that founded the study of mechanics firstly on the mathematics of kinematics and secondly with energy as a unifying principle.
Just how cold is deepest outer space?
Key questions
What is multiplicative reasoning?
How are fractions and multiplicative reasoning linked?
How is percentage and multiplicative reasoning linked?
Can we problem solve with multiplicative reasoning?
5 lessons
stories that set a frame or background
stories that accompany or intertwine
stories that introduce
stories that explain
stories that ask a question
stories that entertain
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
ratio tables - 1
more proportional reasoning - 1, 4
shadows - 1, 4
double number lines - 1, 4
connecting two numbers - 1, 4
checkpoints fractions - 1, 2, 4
checkpoints percentage - 1, 3, 4
percent of - 1, 3, 4
percentage - 1, 3, 4
from one fraction to another - 1, 2, 4
100% equals - 1, 3
fdp boxes - 1, 2, 3
metric and imperial units - 1, 4
exchange rates - 1, 4
forex - 1, 4
currency codebreaker - 1, 4
ratio tables - 1