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It is possible to trace the origin of the word "ratio" to the Ancient Greek λόγος (logos). Early translators rendered this into Latin as ratio ("reason"; as in the word "rational"). The Pythagoreans developed a theory of ratio and proportion as applied to numbers.


Can a rectangle be attractive?

Key questions

  1. What is ratio?

  2. How are fractions and ratios related?

  3. Can we simplify a ratio?

  4. What is proportion?

  5. How do we share an amount in a ratio?

6 lessons

Specification detail

binomial expansion.png


  • stories that set a frame or background

  • stories that accompany or intertwine

  • stories that introduce

  • stories that explain

  • stories that ask a question

  • stories that entertain

The Number Devil by Hans Magnus Enzensburger

The Man Who Counted by Malba Tahan


bracelets - 1, 3


yoghurts - 2,4,5

ratio makes sense - 1,2,3,4,5

ratio don - 1,4

orangier - 1,2,3,4

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